365 Days | #41 | Mimosa Cafe

Another first class North Shore eatery with great coffee – they use Fair Trade, organic blends from Kokako Roasters. Mimosa’s owner, Mayumi, has a great business ethic, using local fresh, free range and organic ingredients, recycling their coffee grounds and using eco-friendly cleaning products. They encourage the use of keep-cups by giving a discount on the price of your takeaway coffee. The takeaway cups they use (if you don’t have your own) are recyclable, including the plastic lids. (see Conscious Consumers site). They play good music (often laid-back jazz), and the interior is funky, with natural timber walls, rustic furniture and industrial lighting. The Japanese owner has taken cues from her Kiwi friends on some old fashioned favourites like organic sardines on toast and cornish pasties. She also includes a Japanese dish, changing it on a weekly basis.
They are in the process of developing a backyard for the summer, which will include some herb planters and a composting system for waste food (bokashi and a worm farm are under consideration). You’ll find Mimosa in Lake Road, Takapuna, just along from The Strand

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